"We are grateful for the opportunity to train the Rutgers community about the neurodiverse student population and excited to have formed a collaborative partnership with RUPD, proving that clearly, we are, 'better together.'"

Dr. Arpana Inman, Dean of GSAPP

Rutgers CSP Partnerships

Collaboration is Key

Working in concert with key campus and community partners, the CSP works collaboratively to ensure student success. This integration is essential to ensuring that CSP students have access to and take advantage of everything that Rutgers has to offer across all aspects of university life, including academics, amenities and a variety of exciting opportunities for social engagement. 

CSP - A Network of Support

We cannot overstate the importance of the CSP’s campus and community partnerships, such as with the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD). The department came to the community center to conduct an enlightening training workshop and informally interact with CSP students. The result? A candid and impactful session that resulted in increased understanding on behalf of the officers, new and seasoned, staff and students. Read more about this impactful event: https://www.rutgers.edu/news/rutgers-autism-center-and-university-police-partner-build-understanding-neurodiversity 

"We are grateful for the opportunity to train the Rutgers community about the neurodiverse student population and excited to have formed a collaborative partnership with RUPD, proving that clearly, we are, 'better together'." - Dr. Arpana Inman, Dean of GSAPP



Neurodiversity Taskforce

The CSP, a unit within the RCAAS, is an essential part of a broad, university-wide neurodiversity initiative. RCAAS Executive Director, Christopher Manente, PhD, BCBA received a grant award from the Department of Equity of Inclusion that led to his formation and chairing of Rutgers University’s Neurodiversity Taskforce. Its mission is to improve organizational climate and promote access, advocacy and equity by affirming that Rutgers is an institution that celebrates the neurodiversity of its beloved community.

To learn more about the Neurodiversity Taskforce, visit: https://rcaas.rutgers.edu/about/neurodiversity-task-force

In addition to academic deans and faculty, CSP works collaboratively and frequently with key Rutgers University Campus Partners, including, but not limited to:

"There is a plethora of research, including, but not limited to, contributions from the Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services (RCAAS), scholars like Dr. Douglas Kruse at the Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations, and organizations like the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the Midwest Association of Colleges and Employers, and the Gregory S. Fehribach Center that has demonstrated for years that people with disabilities-- broadly speaking-- experience alarming disparities in terms of obtaining meaningful and fruitful employment post-graduation. These disparities in employment status then directly and indirectly contribute to disparities in long-term income, health, sociopolitical, and other significant life outcomes experienced by people with disabilities. Innovative student success programs like the College Support Program (CSP) that are committed to taking purposeful, collaborative action to support and facilitate the holistic well-being of our neurodiverse students are essential for disrupting these disparities in employment and life outcomes for which our students with ADHD and Autism are at high risk. As a campus partner who regularly collaborates with CSP to provide our neurodiverse students with career-readiness skills that empower them to think critically about their post-graduation goals and navigate career planning with greater confidence, I cannot emphasize enough the College Support Program’s exemplary status as a program that colleges across the country should look to mirror on their own campuses to ensure our next generation of neurodiverse students have the skills to thrive-- rather than merely survive-- as economic, social, and political participants in society post-graduation." -  Airelle Smith, Assistant Director, Career Advocacy and Professional Inclusion, Rutgers Career Exploration and Success (CES), Offices of the Chancellor and Provost


Employment Resources

Click here to view helpful resources designed to assist CSP students as they prepare to seek employment opportunities including how to build a resume, preparing for a job interview, employee recruitment programs, mentoring and training.

In addition, click here to watch a video on how to use your Handshake account, when searching for jobs.

External Resources

Autism New Jersey Autism New Jersey

Choices Choices

College Autism Network College Autism Network

College Autism Spectrum College Autism Spectrum

NJ Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) - Career Connections

Neurodiversity Hub Neurodiversity Hub

Organization for Autism Research (OAR) Organization for Autism Research (OAR)


Please note these are informational only. Inclusion of these links should not be considered direct referrals or endorsement of these sites.